Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sleep Fighter II

Julius has become a pro at fighting off sleep. At night, when the whole family is in bed, it's easy for him to become distracted. During naptime, however, he's gotta work for it.
His new technique is simple. He has discovered that when mommy traces the outline of his ear while he's nursing, it causes him to become very sleepy. In an effort to combat this he has now taken to wrapping his arm around his head, thus covering his exposed ear. He also does this because enjoys pulling on the strand of hair growing out of the back of his head.
Unfortunately he doesn't know his own strength and from time to time he pulls on his hair a little too hard. Of course he doesn't realize he has done this to himself and instead he gazes up at mommy with a look of betrayl in his eyes--similar to the one he gives me when he falls asleep at the breast, unlatches and then wakes up because he has unlatched himself.

Friday, March 27, 2009

coming home

Julius gets very upset if I don't pick him up as soon as I come in the door. He looks up at me and starts making an insistent, pleased kind of gurgling baby sound, like, "eeeh! mmmm! eehhh! mmm!" It's so sweet! He also gets upset if I walk by while Heather's holding him without stopping to play with him. It's nice to have a baby who appreciates me. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Trick

Julius has a new trick!
He's been perfecting it for a few weeks now and he is become quite the Master of Standing.
As always, he is insanely happy about standing. Among standing his newest activities include: Peek-A-Boo, saying 'cat' and, much to mommy's dismay, pinching.