Julius has been having a language explosion! I remember the first stretch when Sylvia learned a new word a day, and how amazing that was. Julius is in a similar state now, and some of his most common phrases are:
- I pie! (I Spy)
- Outide, my houf (Go outside, to my playhouse)
- Choo, choo! Beep, beep! (Playing with cars)
- Poddy! Yeah, I peed!/Yeah, I poop!
"BYE-BYE!" and "Up!" and "Down!" are also popular. But my favorite, most characteristic Julius word is "okay." As in, "I'm okay." Any time he falls or suffers an emotional injury he'll bury his head in mama's lap and say, "mama, okay, okay." It was especially sweet when he was sick/upset last week; he'd just hold Heather tight and say, "okay, okay."