after a long wait(nearly 42 weeks,) our son julius emerson arrived. there were some complications and i plan on posting a full birth story in a day or two but for now i wanted to jump into this blog and add some photos of the new man in our lives and give you, the reader, a synopsis of the past 4 weeks.
first of all, i cannot even believe that it's been 4 weeks already! the newborn days have a tendancy to run together like that but having sylvia around makes them move along even faster. sylvia is adjusting quite well and she has grown into the best helper i could ask for. sure, we have our moments and fits of jealousy but for the most part things are moving along smoothly on that end.
julius is growing and growing fast. this weekened we had to pick up some new outfits for him because he was growing out of everything we had here. he's a big, healthy boy!
i think i speak for alan, also, when i say that we are constantly amazed by julius' strength. i don't know if he made it through that rough start he had because he is destined for greatness but i do know that he has blessed our lives with an abundance of faith and love and i cannot wait to see how he continues to grow and what kind of child and eventually the kind of man he will become.
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