Thursday, November 27, 2008

...had a great fall

well yesterday was eventful to say the least!
i took julius for a routine doctor's visit and i was pleased to learn that he had grown 3 inches in the last couple of months and that he was weighing in at just over 17 pounds. i always feel a small amount of accomplishment knowing that i'm, well, i'm his source of nutrition.

the nurse ushered us into the exam room. i removed julius' clothes so that the doctor could examine him and while doing so i checked his diaper. it was wet so i reached for the bag to give him a change. the diaper bag was overpacked, as usual. i tried rooting around with my hands but that was not doing the trick. i took my hands off julius and turned my head to use both hands and then.. SPLAT!

it was a godawful sound. very, very scary and shocking to say the least.
of course he's fine but ever since his birth i've been haunted by thoughts of him leaving us again. like at any moment god will decide that he, in fact, wants julius back and then that will be that.
i immediately picked him up and took him out to the nurses station where one nurse held him and started checking his vitals. another tried to calm me down.
another went into the exam room and pulled out dr. sangtian so he could check out julius. i was afraid because he kept trying to fall asleep and that's completely unlike him--i have to work to get my boy to sleep and i told the dr sangtian that.
he kept us there for observation and i called home to see if alan could meet me there, not knowing what would happen.
that was the longest wait, ever.
i sat there, rather morbidly, playing with my injured baby to keep him awake. i rubbed him down with a wet cloth, i sang to him and tickled him and still he kept nodding off.
wouldn't you know that the minute daddy arrived he was a smiling, laughing boy? on the way out of the office he was gurgling and laughing at the nurses, too. it was amazing.

it should be noted that the fall he took was around 3 ft. and that he landed on a concrete floor.