Tuesday, December 23, 2008

baby talk

We decided to call "hey" as Julius' first word. He says it often enough, in the right context, and with consistent inflection.
However, I'm pretty sure he also said something like, "heeey, daa, ah wuuh uu."

Thursday, December 18, 2008

domo arigato mr roboto

lately julius' movements have become more tight and fast. he's in an amazing stage where each move is so carefull constructed that you can almost predict what he'll do next.
he notices the phone in your hand and then you see his eyes widen as his arm pulls backwards. fast and quite robotic, his arm propels his hand forward and *smack* contact with the phone(or whatever object is in question.)

i just love to watch him go.

Friday, December 12, 2008


julius has been super congested lately so i've been taking him in a steam shower with me to try and break up the congestion a bit, it's been working.
tonight i sang to him and held wore him in my solarveil sling and he started to nod off, it was incredibly sweet.
just holding him in the warmth of the shower while he slept.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

little man's first cold

julius has been congested for a few weeks now but just recently he's developed a cough as well. today he had a visit with the doctor where we learned that he has an ear infection, too. it's a little crazy to think of him as being sick because other than the obvious cold symptoms he seems to be his happy, normal self.

i feel as though i can learn a lot from julius. he's encoutered a lot of trouble in his short time here on earth but he just dusts himself off and gets back up again. or, better yet, he doesn't let anything get to him all that much. it's quite remarkable.

on a side note, i cannot believe my baby is almost 6 months old! it's crazy!

Monday, December 1, 2008

picture post

studio portraits for christmas:

showing off his smile over thanksgiving weekend: