Friday, April 17, 2009

Tired Baby Alert

So, Julius has not been sleeping well and this is not a new development, either. For the last few weeks--or has it been months? I'm so tired and dis-oriented that I can hardly tell... For the most part his sleep patterns can be blamed on teething. He now has 4 teeth on the top with 2 more following close behind.

I feel terrible because at 3:00 am I tend to forget that he is the one experiencing the awful pain that's causing him to be awake.
It's even worse when he's happy, which he almost always is. Last night we played peek-a-boo for about half an hour before he started showing signs that he was ready to nurse again.
Hearing his sweet little laughter cut through the late night air makes the long and sleep-deprived days all the more worthwhile.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Picture Update

A dream, realized:

Baby steps, baby: