Wednesday, October 7, 2009

new development

Now sweet baby Jules wants me to put him to sleep at night!
Sylvia never stuck with the same sleep pattern for very long. For a few months I had to rock her and bring her to bed, for a few months she read herself to sleep, for a few months she needed milk in bed. But Julius has always been consistent: he needs mom to put him to sleep in bed. For a while, though, the milk has been having the opposite effect. He'll tank up and then be full of energy, going crazy all over the bed and waking Sylvia up.
But recently I found that I'm able to get him to sleep by laying next to him, holding him tightly, and rocking back and forth. He's gotten so used to it that his eyes start fluttering as soon as I lay next to him. :) The only problem is, after all that rocking next to a sweet baby, I'm ready to go to sleep, too!

Jules is also working on some new words. Let's see... there's cow, cup, up, bye, cat, mama, dada, sylvia (ee-uh), thank you, read, ball. Probably some others too. He says thank you ("duck-dooo") any time any transaction takes place. He hands me a book, "reee, duck-doo". It makes a game of catch very entertaining. "Duck-doo!" "You're welcome." "Duck-doo!" "You're welcome."

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