Saturday, May 30, 2009

this just in:

Julius, happiest child in the world, hates sleep. It's driving us bonkers. The worst part is that he's not upset, he just wants to play and laugh all night. But, five years from now, I'll really wish that I could spend a night laughing and playing with baby Jules. :) (PS: Heather, I'll take the night shift tonight!)

Julius' main pastime now is getting into stuff with big sister. He'll follow Sylvia anywhere, and for her part, she gives him ample reward. Like "snack salad": a large chair, with the cushions removed, and a mixture of goldfish crackers, puffy rice cereal, and whatever else they could find, scattered around on it.
I often wonder what the future holds for those two. I worried that having them so close together might lead to increased rivalry, since they're still interested in a lot of the same toys and activities (e.g. mommy milk). But so far all signs point to them developing great teamwork that they can use to outsmart and overthrow the parents!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I almost wish he would cry sometimes when he's up late/early, you know? Like maybe then it would be more normal.
I guess that's the kind of world we live in though where babies are up crying or 'fussing' all night, not laughing and playing(or dancing.)